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Our Solution

We transform the 'boring' but crucial task of analyzing financial filings into a powerful, cost-effective investment edge. Our AI, trained on over 200,000 human-annotated filings, doesn't just scan reports—it decodes them in seconds, saving our clients months of work and the expense of a team of full-time analysts. In seconds, it uncovers critical details buried in footnotes, and prices in these often-overlooked adjustments.

The result? A true, adjusted picture of company performance, delivered quickly and affordably. Investors gain a crystal-clear view of a company's actual financial health, empowering them to make decisions with unprecedented confidence while dramatically reducing time and personnel costs.

What Makes Us Different

Depth of due diligence you won't find anywhere else

We tackle the 50-2000 page financial filings that others ignore. Every page, every footnote, every detail - we've read them all, so you don't have to. Gain insights from the 'boring' parts that most investors miss.

Full traceability and audibility

We build trust through transparency. Every adjustment we make is backed by a full audit trail, linking directly to the specific footnotes. See exactly how we arrive at our conclusions so you know that we really do the work.

We do what analysts simply won't or can't do

In just one quarter, we've delivered $2.6 million in value to our clients. Our AI performs in seconds what would take teams of analysts months and cost millions.

Step 1: Search Any Security

Enter a ticker and instantly get an answer: green is good, red is bad; for any one of the 10,000+ stocks, ETFs and mutual funds we cover.

  • Set up alerts on any stock or fund in your portfolio  – and be notified any time there’s a major move in the financials, a change in our ratings or a major corporate event
  • Upload your entire portfolio into the system
  • Create lists of all your favorite stocks.

Step 2: Pick Winners, Ditch Losers

“Green is good. Red is bad.” New Constructs assigns a rating of Very Attractive to Very unattractive to each of the stocks, ETFs and mutual funds it covers.

This grade is based on proven-superior and truly comprehensive fundamental research. You get an instant snapshot of a company’s financials… whether they’re good, mediocre, or completely out of touch with reality.

Step 3: See What Wall Street Misses

New Constructs gives you a clear picture of a company’s performance in the Ratings Breakdown tab. Instantly see where reported earnings are misleading, cash flows are booming, and valuations are soaring.

Compare reported EPS (red line) with economic EPS (blue line) to uncover the TRUE financial picture.

The market ignores footnotes - we don't.

Avoid misleading reports and uncover hidden alpha with our research, backed by Harvard Business School, Ernst & Young, and The Journal of Financial Economics.

We want to show you how much diligence we do because we know no other firm can match it.

Proven Superior Data

Top-tier institutions, including Harvard Business School, MIT Sloan, and Ernst & Young, have validated the superiority and alpha-generating potential of our data in published studies.
Superior Data & Novel Alpha
Superior Modelling & Analysis
Superior Ratings
Fully Traceable & Auditable

Our Stock Picking Accolades

Our proven-superior research earned us #1 All-Time plus ten other #1 rankings ­ on SumZero – the world's largest community of buy-side investment professionals – for May 2024. #1 All-Time means our stock picks beat all other competitors on all measures.
Better Performance than the S&P 500 (Short Model Portfolio)
Better Performance than the S&P 500 (Long Model Portfolio)

Stats represent performance from January 2021 to Q1 2024

Our Leadership

David Trainer
Founder & CEO
  • 25+ years experience in equity research
  • Former Wall Street analyst and hedge fund manager
  • Former FASB Committee
Lee Moneta-Koehler
  • 7+ years experience as COO
  • 17+ years experience in investment research and analysis
Chesley Lovejoy
Head Of Engineering
  • 8+ years experience in machine learning and software development
  • Former Scientist at Aegis Science Corp. and Columbia Analytical Services

Hear What Our Clients Say

Hear from some of our amazing customers who are making better investment decisions.
"My CEO and Accountant clients are impressed with me using New Constructs as part of my research team. They tell me that the edge I get from NC is the main reason they deal with me and send me referrals. How can you invest without a deep dive into the financials?"
Charles Wilton
Raymond James
"New Constructs helps me keep 34% more of my advisory fees every month by reducing my costs. Knowing that I have a partner in New Constructs that I can trust for diligence makes all the difference in the world to me and to my clients."
Mike Irvin
"Corporate bonds comprise a substantial portion of our portfolio.  New Constructs reports, tools, and data are key to our successful management.  We use their screeners to identify investment candidates and integrate their metrics into our internal credit analyses via API and excel add-ins.  Most important though, is the quality of their analysis, helping us to identify and avoid companies that fail to deliver economic value.  They have been a trusted partner for many years, in a relationship we hope to continue well into the future."
- Portfolio Manager of a Multi-Billion Dollar Fixed Income Portfolio
"Simply and instantly, you can see how your stocks or funds are rated and where they are trading compared to economic book value.  For someone with limited time to spend ‘watching’ the stock market, this top-down view is incredibly useful. I highly endorse the NewConstructs system as one ‘must have’ tool in any stock or fund selection system."
Joe Petrone
"Who do you trust? Stock promotors? Everybody's got an angle. So far to date New Constructs has provided me with more facts than fiction."
Rob Austin
Austin Holdings
"I feel much more comfortable knowing that New Constructs is providing an additional layer of due diligence to my research by analyzing footnotes and making adjustments to the true economic earnings. New Constructs help me clearly see if a company is truly creating value for its shareholders."
Brady Raanes
Raanes Capital Management

Start Uncovering Hidden Alpha Today – Join Us Risk-Free for 30 Days and See the Difference!

Try Institutional-Grade Data Risk-Free for 30 Days – Join 400+ Investors Who Trust It.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the product.
What exactly does New Constructs do?
New Constructs is an independent investment research firm that uses AI to provide a clearer, more accurate picture of a company's financial health. Here's how it works:

Uncovers the Truth: Our AI, the Robo-Analyst, sifts through thousands of pages of SEC filings – those dense, complex reports most people never read. It digs into the footnotes, where companies often bury important details.

Adjusts for Tricks: We don't just accept numbers at face value. Our AI adjusts for accounting loopholes and distortions, revealing a company's true profitability and valuation.

Delivers Unbiased Ratings: Unlike Wall Street, we don't have a vested interest in pushing certain stocks. Our ratings are data-driven and unbiased, helping you make smarter investment decisions.

Empowers YOU: We provide the tools and insights you need to understand the market and invest with confidence. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, New Constructs gives you the edge you need to succeed.

It's like having a team of expert analysts working for you, but at a fraction of the cost.
How does New Constructs' AI work?
1. Data Gathering and Infrastructure: The system sources financial data from the companies' official filings and financial statements. It uses an extraction system to pull relevant information, especially focusing on notes to the financial statements that are not in table format. This data is then structured into a database using specific classification, management protocols, and database architecture.

2. Data Modelling/Analysis: The structured data is processed through a calculation engine. This engine employs modelling algorithms and software logic to analyze the financial information.

3. Data & Tools Delivery: The analyzed data is then made available through various interfaces. These include websites, data feeds, analytics feeds, structured products, and information for ETFs/hedge funds.

4. Input for Investment Decisions: The entire process is designed to provide fundamental research to inform investment decisions. This final step represents the ultimate goal of the system - to transform raw financial data into actionable insights for investors.
How accurate are New Constructs' stock ratings?
The accuracy of New Construct's ratings is supported by a wealth of evidence:

Independent Research: Harvard Business School shows our stock ratings outperform in this paper: "Human versus Machine: A Comparison of Robo-Analyst and Traditional Research Analyst Investment Recommendations." Other top-tier institutions, including MIT Sloan, Ernst & Young, and the Journal of Financial Economics have validated the superiority and alpha-generating potential of our data in published studies.

Third-party Validation: For 37 consecutive months, New Constructs has been ranked the #1 stock picker of all time on SumZero, an online community of 16,000+ professional investors. Our model portfolios have consistently outperformed the S&P 500.
How can I be sure New Constructs' analysis is accurate and trustworthy?
We're the only provider offering this level of in-depth analysis at scale, while also ensuring full transparency and auditability. We show our work, so you can trust our results.

Whether you're a Wall Street analyst or an academic researcher, we can provide a complete audit trail, demonstrating exactly how we arrive at our conclusions. You'll see firsthand how our AI analyzes every detail, ensuring our ratings are accurate and reliable.
I already have a budget for research and use other services/platforms. Why should I consider New Constructs?
We understand that you may already have access to investment research through other providers or your firm. However, New Constructs offers a unique advantage that sets it apart from the competition:

Unconflicted Research: New Constructs has no ties to the companies and stocks it covers. It is an independent research firm. On the other hand, most Wall Street research is heavily conflicted and influenced by the bankers who make their huge bonuses by helping companies sell stock.

Footnotes Provide Proven Advantage: New Constructs leverages critical data previously buried in the financial footnotes to produce the first and best AI for investing. Harvard Business School proves that the stock market is missing this footnotes data and that investors can extract novel alpha from the previously untapped wealth of information on corporate profits.

In-Depth Research: Unlike many other providers who rely on third-party data, New Constructs collects its own data, builds its own models, and writes its own research. This means our insights are validated directly from source filings, ensuring accuracy and transparency you can trust.

Proven Superiority: Our data, models, and research have been rigorously tested and proven to outperform other providers in terms of both quality and predictive power. We deliver deeper insights and a more comprehensive view of a company's true profitability and valuation.

Unrivalled Transparency: New Constructs offers a seamless, integrated platform where data, models, and research are all connected, allowing you to easily trace the underlying information to the source, so you can verify its superiority.

Competitive Pricing: Our research is not only superior in quality but also competitively priced. We offer a range of subscription options to suit different needs and budgets.

Differentiate Yourself: For financial advisors, New Constructs can help you stand out from the competition by offering your clients access to unique, high-quality research that goes beyond what's available from traditional sources.
I'm not a professional investor, and I'm not sure how I would use the New Constructs platform. Is it right for me?
Absolutely! While New Constructs offers powerful tools for institutional investors, we also cater to individual investors who want to take control of their financial future and make informed decisions about their investments. Our platform is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, even if you're not a finance expert. Here's how we support you in making the most of our research:

Extensive Education: Our website features a comprehensive education section with articles, videos, and tutorials that explain our methodology, investment concepts, and how to use our platform effectively.

Training Resources: We offer video tutorials, a library of past webinars and live training sessions led by our CEO, David Trainer, and our investment analyst team. These resources delve into our research processes, AI, stock picks, and answer common questions.

Online Community: Join us to discuss stock picks, the overall market, unique insights, and fascinating conversations about the markets and investing.

Monthly Live Calls: We host regular live calls where you can interact directly with David Trainer and our analysts, ask questions, and discuss your investment ideas.

Intuitive Platform: Our platform is designed to be easy to navigate and use, even for those who are new to investment research. "Green is good. Red is bad."

Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support team is always available to answer your questions and help you get the most out of your New Constructs membership.

By leveraging these resources, you can gain the knowledge and confidence to use our platform effectively and make better investment decisions. Remember, investing in yourself and your financial education is the first step towards achieving your financial goals.

If you're managing your own money, regardless of the amount, understanding your investments is crucial. New Constructs empowers you to do just that.
I'm interested in your research but want to be able to ask questions and engage with your team directly. What opportunities are available for this?
We understand the importance of direct engagement and dialogue, especially for professional investors like yourself. We offer several avenues for interaction and access to our team:

Monthly Live Calls with CEO and Analysts: David Trainer, our CEO, and our team of expert analysts host monthly live calls to discuss our latest research, answer your questions, and provide deeper insights into our findings.

Online Community: Our exclusive online forum provides a platform for our members to connect, exchange ideas, and ask questions directly to our team and fellow investors.

Dedicated Customer Support: Our dedicated support team is always available to answer your questions via email at We strive to provide timely and personalized responses to ensure you have the information you need.

Whether it's through live calls, our community forum, or direct email support, we are committed to providing you with the access and engagement you need to make the most informed investment decisions.